No One Gets Left Behind

A lot of exciting things have happened in the past few months within the 3rd District. North Central Firefighters, Local 5260, recently joined the CPF family with 59 members. Over the past few months, three other Locals joined the CPF: Diamond Springs Professional Firefighters, Local 4972, with 9 members; Calaveras Professional Firefighters, Local 5149, with 12 members; and Gonzales Professional Firefighters, Local 5388, with 6 members. Please join me in welcoming our brothers and sisters!

The Monterey Firefighters L3707 were successful in renewing a contract for services with the Monterey Regional Airport, but not without a fight. The airport received a bid from a private for-profit company, Pro-Tec. Once again, the IAFF, CPF, Salinas L1270, Seaside L1218, Monterey Co. Regional L2606, and CAL FIRE L2881 showed up and supported our brothers and sisters. The public was also engaged; through this outpouring of support, L3707 was successful in protecting 12 union positions when the City of Monterey and the Airport District finalized a new contract.

Finally, Stockton L456 President Mario Gardea has entered the race for San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors. Mario is one of the strongest union leaders that I know. Mario is a truckie, he’s a family man and he loves the community that he protects and lives in. I am proud to call Mario my brother, and if you haven’t done so already, I respectfully ask that you support Brother Gardea! You can follow him on Instagram @Gardea4Supervisor or support via facebook.com/Gardea4Supervisor. Good luck Mario!