
IAFF Presidential Recommendation

The IAFF has always made a recommendation in presidential races with the exception of 2016, giving now President Donald J. Trump an opportunity to show his support for IAFF members and issues. Many of you have already made your decision and your IAFF respects your vote and whomever you are choosing to support.

For those of you who are not committed to a presidential candidate and are trying to make a decision, President Trump now has a track record that can be compared to Joe Biden’s record. As a reminder IAFF does NOT and will NOT base endorsements on social issues. Endorsements are based on how a candidate will affect your job, collective bargaining rights, working conditions, benefits and pension protection.

The IAFF recommends Joe Biden for President. He has been one of the strongest and most influential voices for firefighters throughout his time in office. He understands the needs of firefighters and his record on the issues is clear – he has and always will have our back.

Here is how Joe Biden and Donald Trump compare on the issues that matter to firefighters’ jobs, working conditions, pension, and benefits:


Based on President Trump’s actions these past four years it is clear to the IAFF that he does not stand with firefighters on the job. If given the opportunity, President Trump has indicated he would sign a National Right-to-Work Law making the attacks on federal firefighters a preview of what can happen to firefighters at every level of government.

Your IAFF recommends Joe Biden for President, a trusted supporter of firefighters with a proven track record.

As a reminder not one penny of your dues money ever goes directly to a federal candidate's campaign. Only the voluntary individual contributions of firefighters through FIREPAC-VIC funds go directly to a political candidate. These contributions help to advocate for the firefighter agenda, as the IAFF supports both Republican and Democrat candidates.