FCTC Answers the Call as Recruitment Needs Persist During Pandemic

While many things ground to a halt at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing that didn’t slow down was firefighter recruitment. If anything, recruitment needs in many departments expanded, as staffing increases and retirements kept departments on the lookout for qualified personnel.

Cal-JAC’s Firefighter Candidate Testing Center (FCTC) answered the call, continuing its groundbreaking recruitment services, meeting the hiring needs of departments across the state.

“In the midst of the worsening pandemic and with fire season looming, FCTC knew firefighters across the state were stretched thin and many departments needed reinforcements,” said Mitch De Anda, FCTC Program Director. “So, we acted quickly and decisively to implement health and safety procedures to allow us to reopen safely.”

FCTC administers the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), its Written Test, and conducts preparatory courses, building a qualified pool of candidates for departments. Deemed an essential service, FCTC established its new protocols and procedures, making it possible to reopen, just six weeks after shutting down. All FCTC events require mandatory temperature checks prior to entry, physical distancing standards, full face and hand protection for proctors and rigorous equipment sanitization protocols.

By acting proactively, FCTC was able to meet the heightened demand. From June 2020 to mid-February 2021, FCTC administered over 7,900 CPAT Tests and over 4,500 Written Tests, showing the importance and need for FCTC services during these times.

FCTC strives to continuously support California fire departments and their recruitment efforts. With the proper health and safety standards, FCTC works to ensure it can help provide qualified candidates to fill much needed positions.

“FCTC is proud of the perseverance of our staff, the commitment of our candidates, and the safety of our testing sites,” said De Anda. “We’re on the job for candidates, departments and the entire fire service.”