Yes on Prop 4: Climate Bond Includes Wildfire Prevention Programs
On the ballot this November is Proposition 4 – a statewide bond measure proposed by the Legislature to fund projects and programs that seek to combat climate risks like the extreme fire events that are becoming more severe every year.
Prop 4 invests in projects to prevent wildfires, reduce their intensity when they occur, and improve responses to wildfires and other disasters where CPF members are called to respond. CPF strongly endorses YES on Proposition 4.
Prop 4 includes:
$1.2 billion in grant programs that fire departments can compete for to support fire prevention, such as brush and fuel reduction and landscape scale restoration projects.
$15 million through the California Fire Foundation for personal protective equipment, vegetation mitigation and fuels reduction projects, public education and outreach, specialized firefighting equipment, and firefighter health and safety.
$15 million for the Wildfire Conservancy to advance fire attack effectiveness and firefighter health and safety programs.
$135 million for the Office of Emergency Services for a wildfire mitigation grant program to assist local and state agencies to leverage additional funds, including matching grants from federal agencies.
Proposition 4 is a much-needed boost to fund our ability to prevent, prepare for, and respond to major wildfires and natural disasters. Vote YES on Proposition 4.